Thursday, January 11, 2007

What else is there left to do?

2 more days.

I just woke up! Went playing mahjong at Jason Soh's house after 6B class gathering yesterday. I lost $1.10 even though I thought I won most of the games =( Jason won everyone else, sweeping over five bucks off the table. Sly.

The 6B gathering was better than I expected it. I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I expected.

Thank God for Pamela for accompanying me! If not I don't think I would have much to talk about and I'd probably go into sian mode.

Anyways, we went to Xing Wang for dinner. It was quite bad this time. Bad service, bad food. How come it was better when I went with the gang?

I was saying it might be the pressure of having to serve up 11 platters of food within a certain time. They failed terribly at the test though. Now I must think twice before I go there again.

Well, I got to meet old friends again! Like Pei Fang, Xuan Ming, Wang Yu.. The rest I have met more often, I guess.

Okay, not really.. There was also Chin Swee, Jun Fan, Jason, Wei Xiong, Bambang and Jeremy. We ended up gossiping about primary school.

Truthfully, I never knew primary school had so much politics involved until I went to this gathering. Was Guan Wei really that hot in primary school? Hahas..

The day certainly was tiring...

Went gymming with Ivan, Rich and Enqing in the morning.

Went playing one game of DotA with them whereby Anuba'rak was totally useful =) Ivan got most of the kills though...

Went back to NY to help out in the CCA Bazaar. It really felt good to know that I have juniors who love me. Hahas.. At least I love them. So cute! And so determined and strong-willed. 划族 will go far!!

Then I went to Dover to accompany Pamela to the gathering. Wah. Tired sia.

I guess a busy day like yesterday only serves to amplify the fact that I have nothing left to do today. I really want to go K-Box before I go in!! But I have no money left.. Not to mention there's only Ivan, Enqing and I left now that Rich and Chow are in. We are diminished!

And I can't even play computer games because my brother had to bring the XP laptop to work and I can only blog on my Apple. Argh.

Oh wells, I should try to find something to do now.. See you later!

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