Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I was bored of studying 2 days back, and so I decided to take photos of my bear and cupboard! Hahas..

By the way, Flickr is quite unfriendly in terms of linking photos. I can't link the actual pictures but only their thumbnails! You'd have to click on them to see the larger versions.

Here's Teddy! He's like my favourite bear. If you didn't know already, I have a small collection of bears, and he's the best. Hehs.. My mum got it for me when I was really young when we went to Lido for a movie. He's a Coca Cola bear!

And here's my cupboard where I store all my cards and pictures!

A slightly closer look at each compartment....

The LEFT side.

and the RIGHT side!

and the MAIN side.. erm. okae, I meant MAIN COMPARTMENT!

Hmm.. yeah.. I feel better now. Hehs. =)

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